2020-10-27 | 3 min read

tags: beta update

Comment on images - Beta update 0.0.26

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Add comments to images for extra clarity

Although our last update was only less than a week ago we couldn’t wait to get our latest feature out so today we have released 0.0.26 which includes images commenting. Before you could only comment at an item level but this will let you be more specific, ensuring that your communications are clear. Simply tap an image and press ‘Comments’ to view it’s comment and to add more. A red indicator shows on the images when they have comments so you know when there is something new.

Image comments

We’ve also fixed a few things in this update along with some further improvements. The unique code which you might have seen on Excel reports has been updated to make it a shorter 3 character alphanumeric code, meaning you can share and reference the items easier. View an item and you’ll see this code shown at the bottom of the page, you can also now search for items using their unique code.

When the unique code is shown in your Excel reports it also acts as a hyperlink to that item. Before you would be taken to your web browser to view the item, however, we have now introduced ‘deep linking’. This means that the item is now opened in the app, as long as your device has it installed. If not, you are sent to the web browser as before. The same goes for all links, share a link to an project, list or item via email and the end user will be able to open it through the deep link, given that they have the app installed and permission to view that item.

Finally, we’ve made some tweaks to the Excel report formatting. Your reports are now shipped with the filter feature on all of the column headers and the cells are also now set to wrap text to new lines if it is too long for the width of the column.

Here’s what we’ve added and fixed in 0.0.26:

Features added

  • Add comments to images in items
  • Updated unique number for items for referencing, displayed on each item and on Excel reports
  • Deep link support - clicking an Insite link on a mobile device will open the app if installed
  • Automatic text wrapping added to cells in Excel reports
  • Filter added to all column headers in Excel reports

Bugs fixed

  • Able now to copy any item, not just your own
  • Issue loading options for ‘Created by’ when filtering
  • Incorrect read only status when editing an item
  • Extra page added to PDF report when ‘page break after each item’ setting enabled

Make sure to check for updates on TestFlight on iOS or on the Play Store for your Android phone or tablet.

Our plans going forward

The main features which we are working on for the next few updates include:

  • Enhanced list privacy settings
    • external user grouping allowing you to pick which group can see a list
    • option to choose which individual project members can view a list
  • Custom field names - for example you could rename “Project number” to “Project Code”
  • List templates so you can quickly create recurring audits such as weekly safety reports

As always please don't hesitate to get in touch if you come across any issues or are struggling with usability and we will be sure to address it, all feedback is valued so please keep it coming. Thanks again to all who have contributed so far.

We are also actively looking for more beta testers so if there's anyone else in your company who would like to get on board then drop us a line!